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Main » 2012 » June » 15 » The stock certificate newspaper Zou snow of trainee
6:44 AM
The stock certificate newspaper Zou snow of trainee

Yesterday, was subjected to for 51 periods, the influence of multiple benefit good newses of set, Hu deeply two pair Gao Kai, up to the closing price, the Hu pointed to report 2438.44:00, the rise was 1.76%, but medicine tectonic plate rise is 1.88%, slightly super big dish rise.

  The analytical personage thinks that while currently curing to change to lead to, the development ability of the medicine company will be important to the function that the future increases, the set of related policy infuses into cordial for medicine profession.

  Is concrete to Best Oakley Sunglasses online sale come to see, the medicine tectonic plate was good yesterday, was having already become available in the market to trade of in 172 medicine listed companies, there were 148 stocks to soar, take up 86.05% of all listed companies.

  Fly to see from the funds, according to stock certificate newspaper research center and together spend agreeable data statistics suggest, yesterday, medicine tectonic plate the active buying is big list the amount of money reach to 920,000,000 dollars, among them have the active buying of 25 stocks big list amount of money more than 10,000,000 dollars, placings front five of stock difference are:East gum and Jilin Ao east and Kang the United States medicine industry, medium Heng group and China smooth double of cranes.

  Seeing from basic situation, report according to the related medium, expert inside the industry reveals, hair in the nation changes the drugs circulate link price management way of Wei establishment to anticipate will in year inside carry out, go to the price of of retail price in the hospital to the drugs factory, press“Wholesale link to differ rate& rdquo;And“The medical organization sells bad rate”Carry on a control, this policy will produce to the prescription drug, sale business enterprise and business agent produce huge influence.Canvass business with low price the ages will thoroughly end, a batch of business enterprises will withdraw medicine profession, and lately acting for setting up of mode and business enterprise finance to handle ability will become aftertime's importance to set question.

  Change Wei price to take charge of related leadership introduction according to original hair in the nation, deliver to change the Wei will mainly carry on in the aspects of strengthening drugs price managing a few main as follows work, strengthen the survey to the factory price and monitor work first, for reasonable certain the tallest price control level lay foundation;Secondly improve a drugs list price method, to the parts of drugs investigate to adopt economic sex of medicine evaluation and international price comparison way list price, to parts of drugs practice performance unified list price;The end further enlarges to the strength for reducing price of costliness medicine and especially lowered foreign capital to grind the price of medicine at first.

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