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Main » 2012 » November » 8 » Li Xian Long calls that the university in Singapore
11:59 AM
Li Xian Long calls that the university in Singapore

On the 12th, while attending Asia to learn(Australia) noon Yan in Sydney, Australia, premier Li Xian Long revealed this.

  Their background, experience he says while wholesale NBA snapback answering concerning Singapore how to position for the country border education center that he hopes that Singapore will be one to own many excellent education organizations and vibrant place and be like Boston or Sydney, in addition to many opportunities make Singapore student attend university and also draw on the student from different nation at the same time, , and different culture will enrich the experience of Singapore student and other students.

  The premier points out that the Singapore public-fund university is reserving quota of students to the local student and also opens certain quota of students to the foreign student.

  He says:"Foreign student's upper limit is 20%, but the actual proportion is about 16%.We must hold the balance, because also diversify and have character while we are wanting the university retention Singapore characteristic.We will extend university scale from now on, therefore this balance will have to change at 1:00, probably the proportion that foreign student has will diminish 1:00, but the actual number can't reduce."

  Singapore's local university last year had 12,000 quota of wholesale sunglasses studentses are to the local student.The coming four year premier Li declares in great occasion of nation crowd's general assembly in last year, , the university will increase 2000 quota of studentses, and all reserved for Singapore student, is also made reference to 2015, the freshman of the university of Singapore book amounts and then could attain 14,000 people annually.

  Premier Li also puts forward in the noon Yan, Singapore university also and many international well-known universities cooperate, for example M.I.T., Stanford University university, Yale University and University of Zhejiang etc., provide some different chemical elements, most the importance wants to provide education of high character.

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